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Montessori Language Integration
A school is basically an educational environment in which students, especially children go for learning about subjects like writing, reading and math with a teacher. Most of the time, all a child’s time will be spent inside a classroom, an environment in which usually up to thirty people sit together to engage in closed-door educational conversation. Children usually sit in one of two places; either a private school room or a public school room. Private schools usually have smaller classrooms and the teaching style is much more individualized than those found in public schools.
At both private and public schools, teachers are the ones who supervise the daily operations. In private schools, the head of the class is the one who makes all decisions. This includes hiring and firing employees, conducting disciplinary action, and giving guidance to students in various aspects of their day to day lives. Meanwhile, public schools are managed by a board of trustees and teachers are vetted by local school district to ensure they are qualified to serve before the public. Most school psychologists are employed in public schools.
Like private special education schools, the school system in montessori schools has a clearly defined curriculum. Students are taught how to read, write and do math in order to prepare them for entry into the workforce market. Montessori also lays stress on healthy behaviors and proper nutritional intake, while stressing the importance of good communication and discipline among children.
Unlike many other schools, Montessori schools teach a wide variety of subjects differently. For instance, art and crafts, reading and writing, science, health, and foreign languages are taught differently at this school compared to the conventional school system. At Montessori schools, art is taught alongside language, science, health and other physical activities. Writing and reading are taught together as a unit. Students are encouraged to use different creative tools and methods of education.
Students at Montessori are also more encouraged to be proactive and work with one another. This is due to the strong emphasis placed on language integration, which helps students from different cultures and backgrounds understand each other through the medium of the language. The magnet school movement was founded on the idea that students learn from both their family and their school; therefore, students learn the lessons they need from both the Montessori school system and the traditional public school charter school.
Magnet schools are run independently of the traditional public school system. Students attend the classes on their own and are not required to participate in the same extracurricular activities as other students. Students at a Montessori school are taught the importance of active learning, leadership skills, and self-confidence. The beauty of a Montessori program is that students are engaged in the lessons from the beginning until the end. Students do all of the work on their own. Traditional public schools are designed around a structure that requires children to take part in many different classes and activities.