
The Best Way to Reduce the Risk of Traveling Illness and Get Ready For Your Next Trip

Travel is essentially the movement of humans between different distant geographic locations. Travel can be performed by foot, by bike, car, plane, train, bus, boat or any other mode of transport, with or without gear, and is usually one way to get around or across the globe. Travel is an unavoidable fact of life for everyone.

The history of travelling can be traced back to ancient Rome when traders set out from the country’s borders and crossed the Mediterranean Sea to reach the Italian coast and beyond. As the Roman Empire began to collapse financially, this route was closed off, and for many years it was simply not possible for anyone but the rich to travel from one place in the Mediterranean to another. From the 7th century, however, trade routes were further developed, and trade in grains and other agricultural produce made the long journeys less important. For the most part, travelling became more of a necessity rather than a leisure activity until the Industrial Revolution in England and the rise of the rail system made it possible for relatively wealthy families to travel to distant lands, usually for business purposes.

Over time, the word ‘traveling’ has become used in various contexts, typically to indicate a journey involving travel or moving from one place to another. Modern travellers use the word frequently, however, to describe any form of travel. For example, a person may travel to Paris or London for business purposes on business or pleasure. A holidaymaker may go on holiday to a resort in the French Alps, or to an island in the Caribbean. A vagabond may travel from one point in the United States to another, where he or she lives temporarily.

Traveling today has become much more of a family activity. Some families now take their children along on short trips to see relatives, visit art museums or participate in various outdoor activities. Some modern families even take turns being the primary caregiver and making all travel arrangements. A trip to Europe with my family often involves our children staying at home and I take them along on extended visits to various destinations. I still recall the thrill I felt when we would travel abroad; there was something thrilling about leaving the security of my home and going out into the wide world.

With an increase in the rate of travel-related diseases and injuries, more travelers are encountering unprecedented levels of potential travel illness and injury. The increased risk of traveler’s diarrhea (TMD) and strep throat is a reminder that we need to pay more attention to proper personal hygiene. The increased risk of suffering from a severe illness or developing a debilitating condition such as cancer is also a call to arms. It is well known that the majority of illnesses and diseases have a prevalence in the USA that exceeds what is experienced abroad.

The best way to ensure that we minimize the risk of becoming a victim of one of these travel pathogens is to follow a few simple steps. The best way to travel safely is to be knowledgeable about the travel destination and choose the most appropriate mode of transportation to get there. Travel planning is an essential part of travel and one should never forget it. Traveling safely is not always easy, but following a few simple steps can make it much easier to plan the next trip. A little planning now will help to reduce the chance of an unfortunate event transpiring in your travels.

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