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Real Food May Help You Beat Diabetes
We all eat food, but the question is what kind of food do we really need? Food is any material consumed with the intent to supply organisms nutritional needs. Generally food is of animal, plant or microbial origin, and has necessary nutrients, including protein, vitamins, carbohydrates, fat, or other minerals.
The common perception among people is that real food is something that you either make at home from scratch, or purchase in a fast food restaurant. While both variants can provide food, each method of cooking does things differently. Making food at home preserves valuable vitamins and other nutrients that are destroyed when heat is applied to food. On the other hand, eating out exposes you to a variety of harmful environmental factors, such as high temperatures, preservatives, chemicals, additives, artificial colorings, salt, and other ingredients that are not healthy.
The key to good nutrition is to be able to derive the nutritional value of the food you eat without changing the food in any way. That’s why it’s impossible to see food as simply a source of sustenance. Real food nourishes and provides your body with the raw materials it needs to build and repair itself. It provides energy and keeps you healthy. To eat real food in its most natural form is not only healthy, it’s the only way to get everything you need, without loading your body with unhealthy preservatives and additives.
Real food provides a wide array of nutrients, which is why it’s a healthy diet. It consists of many different kinds of food that are rich in different vitamins and minerals. Vegetables and fruits are a good example of real food. When you eat a wide variety of vegetables and fruits, you get a complete nutritional package, including lots of fresh vegetables, healthy fats, fiber, protein, and vitamins and minerals, which are all vital to maintaining health.
The best way to eat enough vitamin D, especially vitamin D linked diseases like osteoporosis and rickets, is to eat foods fortified with vitamin D. This includes whole grain bread, cereals, bagels, breakfast cereals, pastas, and many other foods. Eggs are another rich source of vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency can result in anemia, weakening of the bones, excess fluid retention, and a weakening of the immune system. Many people are still not consuming enough vitamin D because they live in climates where temperatures are cold or fall below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. This means they cannot reap the benefits of naturally produced vitamin D from food.
Legumes and lentils are two other foods like real food that help your body absorb nutrients better and improve your health. They have a wide range of benefits for your health. They are a complete food which means they contain every nutrient necessary to keep you healthy. They can be used in soups, stews, casseroles, chili, and any number of dishes. If you eat enough legumes and lentils in your diet, you can strengthen your bones, lower cholesterol, improve your immune system, lower your blood pressure, strengthen your digestive system, reduce your risk of heart disease, lower your risk of stroke and cancer, and improve your gout symptoms.